Sundus Mustapha

Sundus has always known she wanted to be a writer. It started with a novel. Sundus set out to write a fictional tale about her childhood called “Paisley Webbs.” As she explored novel-writing, she determined that novel-based storytelling was not her preferred medium. Still favoring writing as a form of self-expression, she researched other methods of writing and found her favorite medium, film. This prompted her to begin looking at screenplay and screenwriting. After investing in Final Draft, a screenwriting software, Sundus began a new journey inspired by her love for great storytelling and fantastical epics. She wrote a feature-length screenplay named, Titus: The Crystal’s Curse. This was the first of a nine-part film series. Gathering marvelous reviews by industry professionals, she utilized this momentum to earn a position in NYU’s Tisch School for Film and Arts, one of the most respected programs in the world. As she continues her journey in film, she has been offered different writing and directing roles on the sets of many of her esteemed colleagues.

The Art Book for Titus: The Crystal’s Curse

This is a story about an ambitious young fighter who trains to become like his legendary father, King of Jegawa. In his eagerness to please his father, he makes a fatal mistake; exiled from his family and banished from his city.

Titus — The Crystal’s Curse brings us into a world full of colorful marvels, from the towering heights of the trees to the vast beauties of the cities. Within these magnificent settings, lives a plethora of exotic creatures and a species that tell us a story simply by looking at them. Our characters display streaks of colored light that reflect their emotions. A brightness flowing through their veins that… (continue reading in the Preface below)